So as you all know from my post
*Side note. This is also the day that we find out that my child's brain surgeon is no longer practicing at the hospital and in fact is no longer even practicing in the country. Needless to say Momma Bear came out roaring a few times this hospital visit.
Well the scans and shunt series x-rays showed that his ventricles were enlarged. There definitely was a shunt failure. But they could not tell for sure what was the failure until they were in surgery. They decided it was bad enough that he could not wait and needed to go in now.
. That we got a letter saying that Dakota had not one but 2 of these in his head. Well the ticking time bomb started its count down. You know those people who are always the 1% or in our case in the 5%. Poor Dakota. Of course it all started with headaches, sleepiness, pressure, headaches, nausea, etc... It was soon apparent that this was more then just the usual headache when I went in to his room and he was grasping his head in nothing less then I can describe as agony. His cries turned into screams. At this point my heart drops and panic sets in. I rush to get him in the car. Which I knew was going to be horrible. The children's hospital was about 40 minutes away with traffic. I had him so bags for when he got sick and we were on our way. That car ride was the most painful to my heart that I can remember. It was bad. He was in extreme pain. We finally arrived I pulled up to the unloading zone as I open the door he gets sick. We deal with that. Then rush him in. I show him our Medical Red Card that showed he has a shunt in his head that is on a recall list and it could be a life or death situation. We get rushed right back. His vitals are not so great. Clearly he was in pain. Clearly something was terrible wrong. They immediately take him in to get a CT Scan. They immediately notify neurosurgery that he is there.